Logstash - Augmenting events with day of week and day of month

May 2018

It is useful sometimes to have day of week and day of month in fields that are separate from the @timestamp so we can make aggregations or even machine learning jobs to find a potential correlation between your events and weekdays.

In Logstash you can add the following to your pipeline:

input {...}

filter {

    date {...} #your timestamp

    mutate {
        add_field => {"[day_of_week]" => "%{+EEE}"}
        add_field => {"[day_of_month]" => "%{+d}"}

output {...}

The result is that Logstash will extract the values from the current @timestamp using the same syntax used in the date filter.

We could also have the week day in full, using %{EEEE}. You can see the whole syntax here.